Tag Archives: inbound medical travel

Success factors for inbound US medical travel destinations

Several US based hospitals and provider organizations are looking for answers when it comes to how to attract inbound, non-US patients to their facilities and providers. In some instances, for example, as much as 1.5-2.0% of gross revenue can originate from inbound medical travelers, many of which pay for care with cash.

Here are some success factors to consider when building an inbound medical travel unit:
1. Tight referral networks to non-US physicians
2. Hospital infrastructure dedicated to inbound patients
3. A physician staff willing and able to accomodate the needs of inbound patients
4. Travel and hospitality destinations that are attractive to inbound patients
5. Non-hospital travel services that are user friendly-airport, customs, visas, etc
6. Profitable product and service offerings
7. Telehealth and telemedicine connections for pre and post care
8. Accomodations for insurance, cash or other revenue cycle management
9. Strong sales and marketing functions
10. Easy to get to
11.Package pricing with transparency
12.Quality metrics with transparency

Consider this “doctor’s dozen” when trying to attract foreign patients. Experience indicates that successfully accomodating non-US patients requires a substantial modification of existing policies and procedures.

Arlen D Meyers, MD, MBA

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