Tag Archives: age old referral process

The Need for Evidence Based Referrals

Evidence based referrals, part of the growing transparency trend in healthcare, provides data on clinical outcomes for procedures before a referral has been made in order to pair the patient with the best possible physician, based on the data for that procedure. Research shows that for many procedures, high volume hospitals tend to have better outcomes due to the enhanced skills through repetition of procedures, essentially a “practice makes perfect effect, while also having the system wide support through, capable clinical teams, adherence to best practices, sophisticated equipment, and the enhanced abilities of auxiliary medical personnel. These factors combined produce positive resulting in order for patients to expect the safest possible surgery at hospitals with low mortality rates and high rates of adherence to clinical practices known to improve surgical outcomes.

Evidence shows that if patients seeking specific high-risk surgeries or treatments would chose high-volume hospitals for their care, this could save more than 4,000 lives annually. However, due to the lack of data currently available today and interoperability issues in EHRs, evidence based referrals are not widespread.

MedVoy’s evidence based referral workflow has the ability to incorporate any evidence based metrics into its referral process thus making sure that the patients are referred to the right facility with the better processes, and positive outcomes.

hospital volume and outcomes

source http://www.academyhealth.org/Training/content.cfm?ItemNumber=1691

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Age old referral process

doctor referralThe rate at which physicians refer patients to another physician has doubled over a period of 1999 to 2009. This increasing rate is steady across all groups and is growing even when majority of the physicians who had ownership stakes are moving more into an employee role with hospital systems. However still the referral process has been stuck with age old processes such as paper, fax without the ability to gain or track any intelligence out of it. Even today, many companies are focused on sending referrals over an glorified fax over email mechanism versus taking a harder closer look at the process. Some technology organizations tend to do the back end analysis however that doesn’t work especially  majority of the physicians refer outside the system as the referral processes are complex and cumbersome to operate within an EMR or practice management system. Without simplifying the referral process with clinical integrations, no data that you mine will be of good. You will never know which one of these contributing factors are increasing your referrals outside the system and lead to referral leakages. Also in order to have a satisfied patient, all physicians who are involved in the referral chain needs to be constantly updated and have access to patient’s clinical data to provide a comprehensive care. If you want to know, how MedVoy is solving the age old referral process challenges, contact us now.

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