Tag Archives: medical surgeon

The Need for Evidence Based Referrals

Evidence based referrals, part of the growing transparency trend in healthcare, provides data on clinical outcomes for procedures before a referral has been made in order to pair the patient with the best possible physician, based on the data for that procedure. Research shows that for many procedures, high volume hospitals tend to have better outcomes due to the enhanced skills through repetition of procedures, essentially a “practice makes perfect effect, while also having the system wide support through, capable clinical teams, adherence to best practices, sophisticated equipment, and the enhanced abilities of auxiliary medical personnel. These factors combined produce positive resulting in order for patients to expect the safest possible surgery at hospitals with low mortality rates and high rates of adherence to clinical practices known to improve surgical outcomes.

Evidence shows that if patients seeking specific high-risk surgeries or treatments would chose high-volume hospitals for their care, this could save more than 4,000 lives annually. However, due to the lack of data currently available today and interoperability issues in EHRs, evidence based referrals are not widespread.

MedVoy’s evidence based referral workflow has the ability to incorporate any evidence based metrics into its referral process thus making sure that the patients are referred to the right facility with the better processes, and positive outcomes.

hospital volume and outcomes

source http://www.academyhealth.org/Training/content.cfm?ItemNumber=1691

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Healthcare Transparency – Call to Action

A recent Fast Company article, Why We Need Health-Care Business Innovation More Than Ever, lambasted the current flow of information in the current healthcare system paradigm and expressed a call to action for “transparent business models and processes need to be established to enable collaboration.”

Some disturbing facts from this article:

  • Three out of every 10 tests are reordered because results cannot be found.
  • Patient charts cannot be found on 30% of visits.
  • One-fifth of medical errors are due to the lack of immediate access to patient information.
  • Thirty to forty percent of the money we spend on health care–more than half a trillion dollars a year–is spent on costs associated with “overuse, underuse, misuse, duplication, system failures, unnecessary repetition, poor communication and inefficiency.”

MedVoy was designed to address precisely these issues with transparency and collaboration.  By improving the referral workflow, doctors have immediate access to patient records – eliminating the duplication of procedures, improving efficiency and improving the continuum of care.


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