Tag Archives: healthcare reform

MedVoy Launch Video at Health2.0

See MedVoy’s recent launch of their referral management software at the Health 2.0 Conference.  The Health 2.0 Conference selected MedVoy RajJoseph-210x145because of how it is transforming the current referral paradigm from an onerous paper shuffling process to an interactive patient portal that can integrate with existing EHR systems and that facilities continuum of care. 


Watch the video of the launch at the Health 2.0 Conference!

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Referral Management Software

Privacy_Lock_72_jpgMedVoy’s HIPPA compliant referral management software is not only for doctors and providers, but this also allows patients to find a doctor or find a dentist of their choice,  and also provides a lightweight patient portal can be used for meaningful use as part of healthcare reform.  The interactive search functionality allows patients to find a specialist, such as cancer specialist, cosmetic specialist, fertility specialist, ortho specialist, diagnostic lab and even to find wellness treatments – while seeing insurance eligibility and verified patient ratings and feedback.  Patients can use the patient portal to schedule appointment doctor online, upload documents and securely message physicians and clinics.
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Health 2.0 Conference Trends

Health 2.0 Conference Trends

Last week, MedVoy was one of a handful of companies selected to launch at the Health 2.0 Conference in the Silicon Valley.  The Health 2.0 Conference focuses on showcasing cutting-edge innovation that’s transforming health and health care, which is why MedVoy referral management platform was selected – as it transforms the referral process from being an onerous paper shuffling process to an interactive patient portal that can integrate with existing EHR systems.

Some emerging trends from the Health 2.0 Conference:

Technology empowers patients

Using patient self assessment tools, consumer can now utilize technology to take health care into their own hands, such Smartphone apps and devices to track such things as, exercise levels, monitor blood samples, medication adherence, biometric devices, and yes, even breathing.  These types of transformative technology can be utilized to bring about long term behavior changes to improve overall health

Healthcare Reform Guidelines

The Affordable Care Act has some crucial stipulations, such as the transformation to Electronic Health Records (EHR) and the convoluted “meaningful use guidelines.”  MedVoy helps with meaningful use by offering a lightweight patient portal that is using with the existing EHR.  Another topic was the paradigm shift from the existing reactionary patient-doctor model to a proactive model with improvements to preventive care and early detection of health problems which is helping to drive a cornucopia of consumer devices.

Big Data is bigger than ever!

Big Data continues to dominate the discussions at the conference, with the increased use of technology, consumer devices, EHR, biometrics, human genome mapping, information exchanges, pricing transparency, etc, – there is now, more than ever data that ever which is an exciting time for data scientists and analysts.  The key will be to integrate the data and leverage the right tools in order to bring about the transformative change that is possible with this data and to improve long term healthcare outcomes.   Talk to one of our experts today if you need help with making sense of your big data.

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A Looming Doctor Shortage?

America will lose an estimated 46,000 primary care physicians by 2025, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). This has created a perfect storm stemming from three factors:

1) Rising cost of US medical school tuition, ($156,456 in 2009 according to the American Medical Association). Hence, debt-saddled graduates are financially bound to more lucrative careers as specialists.

2) The first crest of Baby Boomers is reaching retirement age – increasing doctor demand and further straining these thin resources. According to the American Academy of Anti Aging, Baby Boomers accounted for 26.1% of the US population in 2006.

3) Healthcare reform will soon insure 32 million previously uninsured Americans.

Scary statistics indeed, however, as with all business, times of great challenge stimulate innovation. Some trends indicate a rise of: nurse practitioners, telemedicine, walk-in clinics, global and domestic healthcare. One such example of filling in the gaps through global healthcare is the Executive Wellness Screen/Executive Wellness Exam, originally designed for busy executive as an efficient über-physical with a host of diagnostic tests such as an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) and bioscans. Other trends are emerging…stay tuned!

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