Tag Archives: diagnostic tests

Enrollment in High Deductible Health Plans Increased in 2010

According to the survey from Benefit Research Institute, the 2010 EBRI/MGA Consumer Engagement in Health Care Survey showed that enrollments in high deductible health plans increased in 2010 – from 13% in 2009 to 14% in 2010.

Large deductibles mean that patient will pay out-of-pocket for many of their medical expensive. As more and more Americans are tightening their belts, they will be looking elsewhere to lower their medical cost. This will raise demand for diagnostic tests (colonoscopies, endoscopies, CT scans, MRI), overall health screenings (Executive Wellness Exams) as well as other procedures, such as orthopedics, ophthalmology and others. Global healthcare can help to fill in the gaps to provide solutions to help families struggling with rising healthcare costs.

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A Looming Doctor Shortage?

America will lose an estimated 46,000 primary care physicians by 2025, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). This has created a perfect storm stemming from three factors:

1) Rising cost of US medical school tuition, ($156,456 in 2009 according to the American Medical Association). Hence, debt-saddled graduates are financially bound to more lucrative careers as specialists.

2) The first crest of Baby Boomers is reaching retirement age – increasing doctor demand and further straining these thin resources. According to the American Academy of Anti Aging, Baby Boomers accounted for 26.1% of the US population in 2006.

3) Healthcare reform will soon insure 32 million previously uninsured Americans.

Scary statistics indeed, however, as with all business, times of great challenge stimulate innovation. Some trends indicate a rise of: nurse practitioners, telemedicine, walk-in clinics, global and domestic healthcare. One such example of filling in the gaps through global healthcare is the Executive Wellness Screen/Executive Wellness Exam, originally designed for busy executive as an efficient über-physical with a host of diagnostic tests such as an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) and bioscans. Other trends are emerging…stay tuned!

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