Tag Archives: change in how we deliver care

Bringing your own doctor

Are  you worried that the doctor in another city, state or country is not as qualified as yours? How about bringing your doctor with you?

More and more US doctors are asking about practicing in other countries for one or two weeks.  Denver based plastic surgeons practice a few weeks in Dubai. An orthopedist in a Western state is available to operate almost anywhere for a few weeks. A global PPO is recruiting specialists to operate in designated countries where the cost savings can be passed on to the patient and payor.

Whether it’s reimbursement pressure in the US, a desire to see another part of the world, or cold economics of healthcare, surgeons , like patients, are moving around the world.

BOTTOM LINE: Don’t be surprised to see your surgeon in the airplane seat next to you. Global supply and demand is forcing a change in how we deliver care.

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